First Burglar Alarm Installed

Edwin HolmesFebruary 21, 1858

The first electrical burglar alarm is installed by inventor Edwin T. Holmes in Boston, Massachusetts. It was a very simple system that rang a bell if a door or window was opened.

Edison Patents Light Switch, Sort Of

Thomas EdisonFebruary 21, 1893

Thomas Edison receives three US patents on this day, two of which are in essence the first light switches: “Cut Out for Incandescent Electric Lamps” (US Patent 491,992) and “Stop Device.” (US Patent 491,993).

HD DVD Surrenders

HD DVDFebruary 19, 2008

The “war” over the High Definition successor to the DVD ends when the supporters of the HD DVD format discontinue it. The Sony-backed Blu-ray format had garnered the support of many players in the industry, leading to the demise of HD DVD.

First Cable TV Test

1946 TVFebruary 18, 1946

Television signals are first successfully transmitted from Washington D.C. to New York City over an AT&T coaxial cable. And you thought cable TV was invented in the 1980s!

QuickTake 100 Launched

Apple QuickTake 100February 17, 1994

Apple launches their QuickTake 100 digital camera, one of the very first digital cameras aimed at the consumer market. Unfortunately for Apple, as was endemic for them at the time, they didn’t execute the marketing for this device very well, allowing other companies to take the lead in the digital camera market. Apple was out of the digital camera market by 1997.

Hacker Mitnick Arrested

Kevin MitnickFebruary 15, 1995

Computer hacker Kevin Mitnick is arrested. At the time, he was the most wanted computer criminal in the United States. Now he is a computer security consultant. At least he knows what he’s doing.

First Modern GPS Satellite Launches

GPSFebruary 14, 1989

The first of 24 Block-II GPS satellites was launched. Block-II were the first modern GPS satellites that form the modern GPS system we know today.

The Birth of IBM

CTR Company LogoFebruary 14, 1924

The Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation is renamed International Business Machines, aka IBM. Either way, it certainly makes for a boring sounding company.

Motion Picture Projector Patented

Lumiere BrothersFebruary 13, 1895

The Lumiere brothers patent their cinematograph, one of the earliest motion picture projectors. The cinématographe also served as a film camera and developer, making it one of the first “all-in-one” devices, beating HP by about 100 years.

DAF 600 Unveiled

DAF 600February 7, 1958

The Dutch car DAF 600 is introduced at the Amsterdam Motor Show. It would have been an altogether unremarkable car except for the fact that it was one of the first cars to offer an automatic transmission at an affordable price.