HD DVD Surrenders

HD DVDFebruary 19, 2008

The “war” over the High Definition successor to the DVD ends when the supporters of the HD DVD format discontinue it. The Sony-backed Blu-ray format had garnered the support of many players in the industry, leading to the demise of HD DVD.

In the Beginning Apple.com Was Created

February 19, 1987

The Internet domain apple.com is created. Note that this was a full 4 years before the World Wide Web was launched or microsoft.com was registered … I’m just sayin’.

First Warrant to Search Computer Data

Computer CrimeFebruary 19, 1971

The first warrant is issued to search a computer’s storage. The warrant allowed the searching of:

  1. Key Punch Computer Cards, punched with a proprietary remote plotting program
  2. Computer Printout sheets of a proprietary remote plotting program
  3. Computer memory bank and other data storage devices magnetically imprinted with the proprietary computer program.

This event would lead to increasingly sophisticated methods of encryption to hide computer files from law enforcement agents.